Pixelhaze Academy Blog
Revive Your Favorite Squarespace Plugins in 7.1 With Classic Editor
Elwyn Davies shares a clever hack to revive Squarespace plugins in 7.1 with the Classic Editor.
New Squarespace Templates Now Available!
We're pleased to announce the release of four new Squarespace templates, including a yoga studio inspired template, and 3 hardware supplier inspired templates.
Need to get your head around the new Squarespace 7.1 update? Start here for free...
Becca Harpain, Squarespace 7.1 expert, has created a video training series to help demystify all the changes Squarespace made in this new interface.
Designing Sites in Squarespace 7.1 Workshop
We wholeheartedly recommend that you check out this new course with Becca Harpain, Founder and Code Queen of InsideTheSquare.co. Enroll for just $129 now, and learn how to work with 7.1.