Pixelhaze Academy Blog

Squarespace Courses, Web Design Timesavers Kenneth Rees Squarespace Courses, Web Design Timesavers Kenneth Rees

Squarespace vs Wix - Why we champion Squarespace

By Ken Rees: Wordpress sights can be a nightmare for beginners who are new to web design. There is a lot to digest and take in straight from the start, and without a decent knowledge of web design or coding, it can often be difficult for start up businesses to create a bespoke website which best fits their business.

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Squarespace Courses, Web Design Timesavers Kenneth Rees Squarespace Courses, Web Design Timesavers Kenneth Rees

Evolution of the Pixelhaze Brand

By Ken Rees: Pixelhaze has developed vastly over the years from its foundation in 2015 to present day. Not only has it evolved as a business with the addition of the Pixelhaze Academy, but also as a brand. Looking at how the branding has changed over a 5 year period it’s clear that Pixelhaze’s philosophy has stayed true in its development.

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Squarespace Courses, Web Design Timesavers Kenneth Rees Squarespace Courses, Web Design Timesavers Kenneth Rees

Adding Personality to your Website with Animated Gifs

By Ken Rees: Icons are often used within websites to help navigate the user with simplistic designs intended to explain the meaning of sections in a minimal way. Used correctly, icons can be a create addition to a site.
Although icons are a create way to break up your content, they can be improved upon further to add an extra layer of depth to your site. Eye candy used to engage your viewer. Depending on the websites branding, using animation in the right way can be a welcome addition to your website.

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Squarespace Courses, Web Design Timesavers Kenneth Rees Squarespace Courses, Web Design Timesavers Kenneth Rees

My Top 5 Tips For Undergraduate Designers

By Ken Rees: Nearing the end of my University at the Atrium in Cardiff, I’ve been reflecting on my graphics degree as a whole wondering what I would’ve done differently and how I could’ve approached Graphic Communications with the knowledge I have now. That’s why I’ve compiled Ken’s Top 5 Tips for Undergraduate Designers. These are things I’d wished I knew at the start of my degree to give me a proper head start in a career of design.

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