Apple's Vision Pro: A Spatial Computing Game-Changer for Web Design?

Based on the announcement videos for the new Vision Pro headset, Elwyn discusses the design, comfort, and workflow Implications of Apple's Foray into Virtual Reality and what this could mean for graphic and web design.

The Apple Vision Pro launches in Q1 2024

With the introduction of the Apple Vision Pro, the landscape of web design, specifically on platforms like Squarespace, could be completely transformed.

For years, we've been looking at our designs on limited, sometimes cramped 2D screens, where the only option to preview scaled-up versions of our creations was to buy bigger monitors or connect a tv.

Now, with the Vision Pro's mixed reality technology, designers could theoretically create and preview their websites in an immersive, 3D environment. Maybe we want to see a billboard design in situ, or how digital signage will look on the intended wall or vehicle, augmented reality makes this an obvious development for the creative industries.

Imagine a workflow where eye-tracking technology enables you to effortlessly navigate through your Squarespace control panel, making adjustments to your website design by simply looking and gesturing. From adjusting layout elements to updating a photo gallery, the intuitive, accurate and natural inputs promised by Apple could significantly enhance productivity and ease of use. While we don't have all the details of how this would work, it's not too far-fetched to believe that Apple's end-to-end control and seamless integration could make this a reality.

Design Aesthetics: Signature Apple Sleekness in Virtual Reality

The Apple Vision Pro appears to have successfully incorporated the signature Apple design aesthetic into a category that’s often described as clunky. As opposed to many of its competitors in the VR headset market, the Vision Pro’s sleek design and ski goggle-like form brings a sense of elegance and minimalism, a trait that has defined Apple products for decades.

The Vision Pro uses advanced materials and boasts an aluminum alloy frame, a singular piece of 3D-formed and laminated glass, and a modular system for optimal fit and comfort. The clean white and silver finishes also retain Apple's classic visual language. While aesthetics do not guarantee functional success, this thoughtful design might offer a more appealing prospect for users hesitant to don headsets of a bulkier or more obtrusive nature.

Comfort and Usability: Can the Vision Pro Become Part of a Daily Workflow?

Of course, looking good is one thing; feeling good is another. In this arena, Apple seems poised to deliver. The headset features a soft textile seal around the eyes and a cushioned 3D-knitted headband. All these considerations suggest that Apple intends the Vision Pro to be more than just a short-term entertainment gadget – they want it to become an integral part of users' daily workflow.

The weight and balance of a device are vital for extended usage. Current devices in the market, like Meta's Oculus Quest 2, have been critiqued for being uncomfortable over long periods. If the Vision Pro can overcome these limitations, it would genuinely be a game-changer.

Seamless Integration and Minimal Lag: A New Age of Productivity

The allure of the Vision Pro isn't limited to its physical attributes. The device runs on visionOS, dubbed the "world’s first spatial operating system". This software allows users to control content and applications with eyes, hands, and voice - a big leap from traditional interaction methods.

The possibility of this device seamlessly integrating with existing Apple devices opens up a world of possibilities. The concept of an immersive giant screen for workflows like video editing or graphic designing is genuinely appealing. Eye tracking could revolutionize writing and content creation workflows, promising productivity improvements we can only begin to imagine.

Apple's history of providing end-to-end control over hardware and software could make this dream a reality. Imagine copying content from your notes into a design app or a website builder like Squarespace, all within the VR space with minimal lag. This kind of setup could redefine what we consider a "workstation."

Video Editing and the Apple Vision Pro

The realm of video editing is another area where the Apple Vision Pro could bring significant change. Platforms like Descript stand to benefit greatly from the spatial computing abilities of this device. By providing an expansive, infinite canvas, the Vision Pro could revolutionize how we interact with our editing workflows.

Imagine being enveloped in your video content, able to reach out and interact with clips, timelines, and transitions in a completely immersive way. Instead of dragging and dropping with a mouse or trackpad, you could be manipulating your video content with your hands, in real-time, in a 3D space. That's a video editor's dream. However, how smoothly this integration will work is something we'll have to wait to see.

Graphic Design Revolution with Apple Vision Pro

In the world of graphic design, applications like Canva, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator could be significantly transformed with the adoption of Apple's spatial computing technology. The possibility of creating and manipulating design elements in a 3D space could provide an unparalleled level of creative freedom and precision.

Take Canva for instance, where simple eye movements could replace the need for a mouse, enabling a more efficient and intuitive design process. Or envision working on a complex Photoshop project with multiple layers and intricate details, being able to navigate and edit this in a 3D space could simplify the process and enhance the overall output.

Adobe Illustrator, with its often complex paths and shapes, could become more manageable if we can manipulate these elements in a 3D space. The level of precision and control that could be achieved with the Vision Pro's eye and hand tracking capabilities might just revolutionize how we create vector art.

Nevertheless, as promising as these potential use-cases sound, the true test will be in the implementation and the user experience. The price tag is steep, and for such an investment, users would need to see considerable benefits in their workflows.

A Hefty Price Tag: Is the Vision Pro Worth It?

With a price tag of $3,500 (and likely £3,500 in the UK, knowing Apple's pricing habits), the Vision Pro is undoubtedly a significant investment. At such a high cost, potential buyers must assess the tangible benefits the device can provide in their specific workflows.

The Vision Pro will likely find a niche among developers eager to explore and innovate within this new platform. The original iOS App Store's success was partly due to a "gold rush" of developers creating innovative apps. The same could happen with Vision Pro, giving rise to an ecosystem of applications that take full advantage of spatial computing.

But the decision isn't straightforward for mainstream users and those in the creative industries. Whether the Vision Pro will be an essential tool or a costly curiosity is yet to be seen.

Tentative Steps into a New Reality

Spatial computing is an exciting frontier, and the Apple Vision Pro is one of the most advanced devices we've seen in this space. As it stands, the Vision Pro has the potential to revolutionize the way we work, communicate, and interact with digital content.

But like any pioneering technology, it comes with a steep learning curve and a substantial investment. As with all things in the tech world, early adopters will take the initial risk, while others will likely wait and watch how the Vision Pro fares in real-world applications before deciding to take the plunge.

In the end, it's not just about the hardware, but also the ecosystem that comes with it. As was the case with the iPhone and the iPod, the success of the Vision Pro will rely heavily on the ecosystem of apps and services that developers build around it. As we move into this exciting new era of spatial computing, the Vision Pro is a promising but yet unproven contender in a space that will inevitably evolve and grow. The jury's still out, and the world will be watching closely to see if the Vision Pro can live up to its lofty promises.


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