Boost Your Business Website with Google Reviews in 2024

Elwyn Davies, our web design expert, reveals strategies to get more Google reviews for your business in 2024.

When I started my web design business, one of the most challenging aspects was building trust with potential customers without the benefits of an extensive client portfolio.

I quickly learned that customer reviews, especially on Google, were crucial in shaping my business’s reputation. In short, Google Reviews are potent testimonials that can influence new customers.

I remember one of my first five-star reviews for Pixelhaze Studio. It was from a small business owner whose website I had redesigned. The review highlighted my work quality, dedication, and professionalism. That review brought in more enquiries than any paid advertisement. It was then that I realized the immense value of Google reviews.

“A positive Google review can do more for your business than a high-budget marketing campaign,” - Elwyn Davies

To help you get the most from this free feature, here are some simple, but effective strategies to get more Google reviews in 2024.

Create or Claim Your Google Business Profile

Step 1: Access Google Business Profile

  • To get started with your Google Business Profile, you can navigate directly to the Google Business Profile Manager page. Here's the URL you'll need:

    This link will take you to the platform where you can sign in or create your account and then claim or create your business listing.

Step 2: Sign In

  • Sign in to Your Google Account:

    • If you already have a Google account, sign in with your email and password.

    • If you don’t have a Google account, click on "Create account" to set one up. Follow the prompts to complete the registration.

Step 3: Find or Create Your Business Listing

  • Search for Your Business:

    • Enter your business name in the search bar. Your business will appear in the search results if it is already listed.

    • If your business appears, select it and follow the prompts to claim it. You’ll need to verify that you’re the owner or authorized manager.

  • Create a New Listing:

    • If your business does not appear in the search results, click "Add your business to Google."

    • Enter your business name and select the category that best describes your business.

Step 4: Enter Business Details

  • Provide Your Business Information:

    • Business Name: Ensure it’s your official business name.

    • Business Address: Enter the precise address where customers can visit. For service-area businesses, you can list the areas you serve.

    • Phone Number: Provide a primary phone number where customers can reach you.

    • Website URL: Enter your website address. If you don’t have one, you can skip this step.

    • Business Categories: Choose the most accurate categories that describe your business. This helps Google show your business in relevant searches.

Step 5: Complete the Listing

  • Add Service Areas (if applicable):

    • If your business delivers goods or services to customers at their locations, add your service areas. This can be a specific city, region, or postal code.

  • Business Hours:

    • Enter your business hours so customers know when you're available.

  • Add Photos:

    • Upload high-quality photos of your business, including your logo, interior, exterior, products, and services. Photos help make your listing more attractive and informative.

Step 6: Verify Your Business

  • Choose a Verification Method:

    • Postcard by Mail: Google will send a postcard with a verification code to your business address. This can take up to 14 days.

    • Phone: Some businesses can verify instantly over the phone if eligible.

    • Email: In certain cases, you may receive a verification code via email.

    • Instant Verification: You might be eligible for instant verification if you've already verified your business with Google Search Console.

  • Enter the Verification Code:

    • Once you receive the verification code, log in to your Google Business Profile account and enter the code to complete the verification process.

Step 7: Optimize Your Google Business Profile

  • Update Business Description:

    • Write a compelling business description, highlighting key aspects and including relevant keywords.

  • Regularly Update Information:

    • Keep your business details up-to-date. Regularly update hours, contact information, photos, and posts to engage with customers.

If you follow these steps, you can successfully create or claim your Google Business Profile, ensuring it’s fully optimized and accurate. This will help enhance your online presence, making it easier for customers to find and interact with your business.

Strategies to Get Customers to Leave Google Reviews

  1. QR Codes for Review Solicitation:

    QR codes are a smart, modern strategy for simplifying your customers' review process. Creating QR codes that link directly to your Google review page gives satisfied clients a straightforward way to express their feedback without fuss.

    How to Implement QR Codes for Reviews:

    1. Generate Your QR Code:

      • Utilize a reliable QR code generator to create a unique QR code. This code should link directly to your Google Business Profile review section. Test the QR code with several devices to ensure it resolves correctly.

    2. Strategic Placement:

      • In-Store Visibility: Place the QR codes in prominent locations around your business premises where customers will most likely notice and scan them. Suitable spots include near the checkout counter, at the exit, or on the tables if you’re running a restaurant or café.

      • Receipts and Invoices: Include a QR code on your receipts or invoices. This prompts customers to leave a review after a purchase or service experience.

      • Marketing Materials: Embed QR codes in your flyers, brochures, email newsletters, and other promotional materials. This integration ensures that offline and online customers who interact with your brand have an easy access point to submit their reviews.

    3. Encourage Engagement:

      • Politely encourage your customers to scan the QR code and share their experience. A small sign or note explaining how quickly and helpful their feedback is can motivate more responses. For instance, a simple message like, "Loved your visit? Scan here to let us know!" can make a big difference.

    4. Monitor and Respond:

      • Keep an eye on the reviews that come in via these QR codes. Responding promptly to both positive and negative reviews demonstrates your commitment to customer service and can encourage others to leave their feedback.

    By effectively implementing QR codes, you can significantly enhance your customer engagement and obtain valuable insights through reviews. This strategy not only simplifies the process for your customers but also actively boosts your business’s online reputation.

  2. Effective Offboarding Process for Google Reviews:

    Creating a structured offboarding process that specifically encourages customers to leave Google reviews can greatly enhance your business's visibility and credibility online. Here's how you can tailor the offboarding routine to boost the number of quality reviews on Google.

    Steps to Optimize Offboarding for Google Reviews:

    1. Standardize the Review Request Procedure:

      • Develop a standard script or guideline for your team during the offboarding phase. This should include specific instructions on introducing the request for a Google review, making it a consistent part of the customer interaction.

    2. Direct Link to Google Review Page:

      • Provide a direct link to your Google Business Profile review section to make it as easy as possible for customers to leave a review. You could integrate this link into a QR code displayed on a thank you card, an email signature, or even a text message sent post-purchase.

    3. Timing the Request:

      • Ask for reviews at a strategic moment when the customer’s satisfaction is highest, typically after a positive resolution to their service or purchase. Ensure your staff is trained to gauge customer satisfaction and introduce the review request when the customer seems most content with their experience.

    4. Educate Your Team:

      • Conduct training sessions to teach your staff the importance of Google reviews and the correct approach to asking for them. Emphasize tactful communication and respectful timing, ensuring that review requests are seen as an invitation rather than an obligation.

    5. Follow-Up Communications:

      • Automate a follow-up email or text message that thanks customers for their business and politely asks them to consider leaving a Google review. Personalize these messages to reflect the nature of their purchase or interaction to increase their likelihood of leaving a review.

    6. Incentivize the Process:

      • While incentivizing directly for reviews can violate Google’s policies, you can encourage participation in the feedback process through general campaigns like monthly draws for those who have interacted with any part of your service, including feedback submission.

    7. Handle Negative Feedback Intelligently:

      • Equip your team with strategies to handle less-than-satisfactory service experiences by immediately addressing concerns and offering to rectify any issues. This proactive approach improves the chance of turning a poor review into a positive one and demonstrates your commitment to customer service.

    8. Review and Refine:

      • Regularly analyze the outcomes of your offboarding process. Look at the number and quality of reviews received and adjust your strategy as needed. This could involve tweaking your communication scripts, conducting more thorough training, or finding new ways to make leaving a review even easier for customers.

    By focusing on these aspects, your offboarding process becomes a powerful tool in your marketing strategy. It directly contributes to your online reputation through increased Google reviews. This approach enhances customer engagement and significantly impacts how potential customers perceive your business.

  3. Writing Case Studies and Review Requests:

    Crafting impactful case studies can boost your brand’s authority by showcasing how you've successfully navigated challenges and delivered results to your clients. These stories highlight your expertise and demonstrate your ability to overcome specific pain points

    This offers potential clients a clear view of your problem-solving capabilities.

    Steps to Create Engaging Case Studies:

    1. Identify Key Projects:

      • Select projects that highlight your clients' challenges and how your unique solutions brought about significant improvements. Focus on cases where the impact of your work can be quantified or where the transformation is particularly striking.

    2. Gather Comprehensive Details:

      • Interview the clients involved to gather detailed insights about their problems before your intervention. Document specifics such as the scale of the issue, the stakes involved, and the client’s initial expectations.

    3. Outline the Solution Process:

      • Detail how you approached the problem, including any innovative methods or creative strategies you employed. This part of the case study should demonstrate your thought process and showcase your expertise in handling complex situations.

    4. Highlight Results and Impact:

      • Communicate the outcomes of your solution. Use data, before-and-after comparisons, and client testimonials to underscore the changes made. Quantitative results, such as performance metrics, and qualitative feedback, such as client satisfaction, are powerful in portraying success.

    5. Request Reviews Based on Case Study Outcomes:

      • After a case study is completed and the client has acknowledged the positive outcomes, it’s an opportune moment to ask for a review. Encourage the client to share their experience working with you on your Google Business Profile, linking the review to the results in the case study.

    6. Leverage Case Studies for Broader Engagement:

      • Publish these case studies on your website, share them in targeted social media posts, and include them in your newsletters. Make them easily accessible to potential clients who may be experiencing similar issues.

    7. Use Case Studies in Sales Conversations:

      • Train your sales team to use these case studies effectively in their pitches. Each case study should testify to your problem-solving abilities, making it easier for potential clients to envision similar success.

    8. Maintain an Archive:

      • Keep an organized archive of all case studies for easy reference. This can help tailor future proposals and showcase your track record during client meetings or industry events.

    Focusing on your case studies' specific pain points and solutions creates a narrative that sells to potential clients. These case studies serve as a testament to your capabilities and inspire confidence in potential customers, driving them to seek out your expertise.

“Engaging with reviews—both positive and negative—shows customers that you value their feedback and are committed to improving,” - Elwyn Davies


Key Takeaways

  1. Claim and Optimize Your Google Business Profile: To make a strong first impression, ensure your business is accurately represented and up-to-date on Google.

  2. Use QR Codes for Easy Review Submissions: Strategically place QR codes at your business or on materials to simplify the process for customers to leave reviews directly on your Google Business Profile.

  3. Develop a Structured Offboarding Process: Integrate a systematic approach to ask for reviews during the offboarding phase, ensuring it feels like a natural part of the customer interaction.

  4. Craft and Utilize Case Studies: Generate detailed case studies highlighting how your solutions have overcome specific client challenges. Encourage featured clients to share these success stories as reviews on your Google profile.

  5. Incentivize Reviews Ethically and Engage with Reviewers Promptly: While avoiding direct rewards for reviews, motivate feedback through general engagement strategies and respond swiftly to all reviews to maintain active communication and show appreciation.


By implementing these targeted strategies, you'll effectively enhance the volume and quality of your Google reviews. This approach not only boosts your online reputation but also solidifies your business’s credibility, attracting more customers in 2024 and beyond. It’s about making each customer interaction count toward building a stronger, more visible brand.


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