Mailchimp v Squarespace Email Campaigns - The match-up.

Squarespace Email Campaigns, Winter 2022 Update

As we haven’t created much in the way of new content regarding Squarespace email campaigns of late, we felt it is now a great time to start sprucing up our training material, demonstrating how you can create sleek email templates and get the most from Squarespace’s flagship mass-mailer tool.

Did you know???

We have the most comprehensive Squarespace Email Campaigns Course available on Udemy for a one-off fee. This course is (of course) free for PixelHaze Academy members! Join now.

As a Squarespace Authorised Trainer, I was invited to become a beta tester for Squarespace Email Campaigns back in the autumn, but wanted to spend a little time with it before comparing it to my preferred mass mailer over a number of years, Mailchimp. For those new to the trade, digital marketing can be a bit of a minefield, so this article focuses on email marketing for beginners. For that reason, have kept it relatively light on detail.

There are already quite a few articles dispersed on the web covering the comparison between the two email marketing tools outlined in this title, if you have been working on email marketing campaigns in the past and have already built a robust process including automated campaigns, then you do not need to read any further. You are already a few steps ahead of what I intend to cover here. In fact, for the moment I would recommend sticking with Mailchimp, the new Squarespace take on email marketing is still in it’s infancy and cannot compete toe-to-toe with Mailchimp for experienced marketeers just yet. 

In my opinion, Mailchimp is still the heavyweight in the world of mass-mailing (Constant Contact is also worth a mention), I have been working with the software for many years and have had some favourable results to boot. It doesn’t mean that Squarespace’s new contender isn’t without merit, and may well be a worthwhile choice for those who need a helping hand to launch email marketing campaigns. I have outlined the benefits of each option below, however the short answer is that creating email templates in Squarespace is lightning fast and allows you to regularly reach your client base without needing to find extra hours in the day. 

Mailchimp is currently on top, but can Squarespace catch up with their new mass mailer tool?

What’s Squarespace Email Campaigns?!

Squarespace Email Campaigns (need to find a shorthand title to save me from getting RSI, so let’s call the tool ‘SEC’) is a mass email marketing tool, allowing you or your business to send regular ‘blast’ emails or digital newsletters to your subscribed readership or client base. These emails can be fully branded, incorporating your company logo and colour scheme and can save you a huge amount of time whilst increasing your volume of sales. That is of course providing your campaign has been set up correctly. A campaign that has been sent to the wrong audience, or one where you have over played your hand and bombarded your readership with too many emails, could end up doing more harm than good. This isn’t a support article for setting up email campaigns, although I am planning to write one in the near future so watch this space. 

Mailchimp: The Champ

  • Lots of flexibility

  • A powerful, dedicated mass-mailer

  • Last time I checked, the free account allows for 2000 emails per month (the Squarespace entry level offering is £4 per month for 500 recipients and 3 campaigns). 

  • Powerful system including lots of testing and analytics features including split testing and breakdown of demographics (including what day/time your target audience is most likely to read your email).

  • As with Squarespace Email Campaigns, a Mailchimp newsletter signup form can be integrated into any page on the Squarespace system.

  • Build multiple email lists

  • You can personalise emails to utilise subscribers names (e.g. “Dear John”).

Squarespace Email Campaigns: The plucky contender

  • Quicker (cheaper) to setup templates (either through our designers or if you do it yourselves), with Mailchimp, it could take 1-2 hours longer to design detailed templates. (£60-£120)

  • Already integrated into the Squarespace admin (meaning no additional log-in accounts!)

  • Seamlessly link to pages, news/blog posts and events (takes seconds to add each post)

  • Although the automated email systems are currently limited, Squarespace are adding features regularly at the moment. Based on their history of developing products, there is a very good chance that new features will be added on a regular basis.

  • The quick and easy option to allow you to get started with e-marketing. You can make the switch at any stage. 

  • Both Mailchimp and Squarespace Email Campaigns provide the option to track conversion rates (or click through rates) (although Mailchimp currently provides more detail)

  • Email marketing automation has now been added to the system (for example you can automatically send a thank you email when a client signs up to a class or purchases a product from your store.

  • Build multiple mailing lists

  • NEW IN 2019: You can now personalise emails to utilise subscribers names (e.g. “Dear John”).


To summarise, Mailchimp is still the undisputed option for seasoned pros in this ring (when comparing it to Squarespace at least). If you are that seasoned pro then you have probably stopped reading this article by now anyway. If you want to dip your toe in the water, Squarespace Email Campaings is less overwhelming, it will cost less (in time/money) to set up templates and relatively inexpensive (£6 per month or £48 per year).

I have used both for client projects to great effect, it generally comes down to which of the above is more important to you. I would also like to add that Squarespace has a really strong track record in continually developing their products and I wouldn’t be surprised if SEC can go pound-for-pound (really need to cut out the boxing analogies) with Mailchimp in the near future. 

Squarespace has the resources, do they have the heart? Cue Rocky montage...


Online Course…

We have the most comprehensive online course available on Udemy for only £24.99. Design a template for Squarespace Email Campaigns and manage your campaign groups.

Squarespace Email Campaigns FAQ’s

Here are some of the most popular questions (from Squarespace help and support page)

Can I use emojis?

Yes, Email Campaigns supports emojis. However:

  • Providers may display emojis differently. For example, they look different on an Apple device vs. an Android device.

  • There is generally less mailbox support for emojis with skin colours. Typically they will look good on iPhones, but not display correctly on other devices.

Can I connect multiple forms to one mailing list?

Yes, you can connect an unlimited number of forms to a mailing list.

How do I hide the "Powered by Squarespace" badge?

On the Starter Email Campaigns plan, the Powered by Squarespace badge is always included in the campaign footer. To remove it, upgrade to a higher plan.

To remove the badge on the other Email Campaign plans:

  1. While editing the campaign, click the footer section.

  2. Click Squarespace Badge in the right panel.

  3. Toggle Show Badge off.

How do I copy a draft?

To copy a draft:

  1. In the Email Campaigns dashboard, click Drafts.

  2. Click the draft you want to copy.

  3. Click Actions in the top-right corner.

  4. Click Duplicate.


Learn how to design a template for Squarespace Email Campaigns.


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