Is AI really going to take your Job? Or is it a huge opportunity?

As the founder of PixelHaze, Elwyn Davies has been working in the technology sector for 20 years and has seen firsthand the incredible advancements in AI tools over the past 12 months. From text generation almost indistinguishable from human writing to AI speech, to the ability to create variations of photographs in minutes with Midjourney, or the fact that we can write our website content in workshops in a fraction of the time using Chat GPT, the possibilities are endless.

In this blog post, Elwyn will discuss how PixelHaze and PixelHaze Academy are adapting to embrace these cutting-edge AI tools to revolutionize the web design process and beyond. He will also give you a sneak peek at the upcoming AI-driven web design workshops and courses that PixelHaze Academy has in the pipeline.

Pandora's box is open, and there is no going back. The genie is out of the bottle, and AI technology is here to stay. It's important to understand that AI is not a passing trend, but is, instead, a fundamental shift in how we live and work.

Ah yes, an artificial board meeting conducted by robots.

This somehow seems familiar, even before the advent of software like Otter AI and Chat GPT.

Sure, the rapid advancement of AI technology can be both scary and exciting. However, armed with the right tools and knowledge, we can use AI to enhance and calibrate our day-to-day roles, making our work more efficient and creative than ever. Join us at PixelHaze Academy as we embark on our exciting, sometimes bumpy ride into the world of AI, and discover how it can benefit your business or web design career.

It is changing the way we interact with technology and how we solve problems and, at the same time, is creating new opportunities and possibilities. Think of it as the digital gold rush, or even the Industrial Revolution in a hurry. It is time to embrace AI technology and see it as an opportunity to improve our lives and work. By doing so, we can take advantage of its wide range of capabilities and use it to make our work more efficient, accurate, and creative. We can use AI tools to automate repetitive tasks and save time for more important things. Just this morning, I received a mailshot from the productivity powerhouse, Zapier, explaining how we can now use the platform to integrate Chat GPT into our email processes. Here we can use Chat GPT to automatically create draft email responses, and in turn, free up our clogged inboxes. We can use AI to discover new insights and make better decisions. Tools like ChatGPT, Midjourney, and voice-to-AI are just the beginning of what will be possible. I think Jordan Petersen hit the nail on the head when he said, “there are things coming down the pipeline. on the artificial intelligence front. that are just going to make your hair stand on end.” Yes, we are merely scratching the surface.

Create photo-realistic images in seconds using the AI image generator, Midjourney.

Think of the rollout of AI in business as the digital gold rush. Like the Industrial Revolution with the fast-forward button stuck down, this has sparked a rapid, transformative period of growth that requires a new way of thinking, new skills, and a willingness to adapt. One thing is clear, those who embrace AI technology will be the ones who will thrive in the new digital economy.
— Elwyn Davies, PixelHaze

They took our jobs…

I can’t help but think of that South Park episode when tackling this question.

One of the biggest concerns people have with AI is whether it will take their livelihoods. While it's true that some… scratch that… MANY tasks may be automated; it is essential to remember that AI also creates new opportunities. Here’s just a quick example from our industry:

AI can help web designers create more personalized and efficient websites, using tools like GPT-3 to write, expand and shape content. We can then harness Midjourney to generate wireframe layouts and style suggestions. AI can assist developers in identifying and fixing bugs more quickly, using machine learning to predict and prevent errors.

We have already used Chat GPT effectively to problem-solve and fix cross-device issues with our Squarespace Plugins.

But AI isn't just for technical tasks. It can also be used for more creative pursuits. Imagine using AI to generate unique website designs or to create realistic images with Midjourney. I have already achieved this and more. At present, these photos can be a little kooky, but nothing that 10 minutes in Photoshop will not fix.

AI-generated artwork of PixelHaze Academy’s Technical Director, Will Hammond (in a Disney Pixar inspired theme).

Midjourney nailed Will’s facial expression; the angle of the head vs body is a little disturbing though.

In fact, there are a plethora of creative solutions popping up on YouTube channels, like using AI to generate creative and surreal artwork or composing music with AI. It's not just about replacing human labour; it's about augmenting and enhancing it.

I am often a glass-half-full chap - those who know me and my sunny disposition will attest to that. I believe those who hop aboard the train in the early stages will be the same ones who find these tools to be transformative (in a positive way).

Ken, our creative director, is already using Midjourney as a concept generation tool for his illustrations. The AI-generated results are not yet suitable for commercial rollout (for illustrated books), but it speeds things up considerably. This means that he and our agency can be more productive.

At PixelHaze Academy, we understand the importance of staying ahead of the curve with AI technology. We are currently on a coffee-fuelled mission, working round the clock to develop our expertise with these mind-blowing tools. We already have a series of AI-based mini-courses in the pipeline, such as 'Squarespace and AI - Harnessing AI tools to create beautiful, bespoke and quick-turnaround websites with Squarespace' and 'Create realistic AI photos with Midjourney and Adobe Photoshop’. I might need to jump on Chat GPT for ideas to truncate those course titles a little!

If you are curious or concerned about AI and your job or business, we can help via quick 1-2-1 mentoring sessions whilst our courses are in development. Our team at PixelHaze Academy will be with you every step of the way, providing you with the knowledge and skills you need to succeed in this rapidly-evolving field. Feel free to get in touch to see how we can help.

But we don't just want to teach you how to use these tools; we want to show you how to have fun with them too! Imagine using AI to generate a unique logo for your business or Pixar-styled characters instead of those dry, corporate team headshots. The possibilities are endless, and we can't wait to explore them with you.

So, don't be afraid of AI taking your job. Embrace it, and let it enhance and support your knowledge and ability. You can even turn your passion into a career that is more fulfilling, more creative and more profitable than ever before.

Or you can just create funny caricatures of your teammates. We are not going to judge…


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