Navigating the Final 10%: Strategies for Successfully Completing Web Design Projects

Do you find the most frustrating part of any web design project is the final 10%?

The project is going swimmingly, and then, your client throws you a curveball or goes on holiday for a month, leaving you twiddling your thumbs.

Or maybe you have been hit with a huge list of changes, some fair and some brand new feature requests. Or perhaps the client has just disappeared, and you are facing losing all the time you have spent perfecting their project.

Fear not!

In this blog post, I will share my best tips for navigating these choppy waters, based on 20 years of driving (and sometimes dragging) projects over the finish line. Whether you are a freelancer or working in an agency, these strategies will help you successfully complete your web design projects and get that invoice out.


1: Cover Your Bases with Clear Terms and Conditions

The first step in successfully completing your web design project is to cover your bases by ensuring you have clear and comprehensive terms and conditions. While it may be tempting to skip this step, having well-defined terms and conditions will give you the confidence and protection you need throughout the project. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Clearly state the client’s responsibility to provide content for the website. Unless you have specifically quoted to prepare content, make it clear that the onus is on the client to create this content.

  • Include clauses for late payment penalties in case the client fails to deliver their end of the bargain on time.

  • Remember that exercising these clauses should be a last resort, as it may damage your ongoing relationship with the client. Use them lightly and explore other options for project completion.

2: Invoicing in Milestones to Ensure Progress and Payment

Another effective strategy for successfully completing web design projects is to invoice in milestones. By breaking the project into timely instalments, you can ensure that the client is paying deposits and staying committed to the project. Here’s how you can implement this strategy:

  • Based on the size of the project, break it down into multiple milestones and invoice accordingly. This ensures that you receive payment throughout the project, rather than waiting until the end.

  • Consider offering a monthly payment option that includes additional services, such as ongoing SEO or content writing. This not only provides value to the client but also ensures a steady stream of income for you.

  • Specify in your agreement that the client is responsible for getting the website live within a specified timeframe, usually within the retainer window. This sets expectations and encourages timely action from the client.

3: Front Load Client Deliverables for a Smooth Start

To maintain momentum and keep the client engaged, consider front-loading the project with client deliverables. By gathering all the necessary information early on, you can minimize delays and ensure a smooth start. Here’s how you can approach this:

  • Once you have received the deposit invoice payment, immediately request all the content and assets you need from the client.

  • Schedule a content writing session or workshop early in the project to collaboratively create the necessary content. This ensures that the content is ready and can be signed off early on.

  • Set deadlines for content submission and hold both parties accountable for meeting these deadlines. By turning things around quickly, you maintain momentum and keep the project moving forward.


4: Proactive Communication and Problem-Solving

When a web design project starts to unravel, proactive communication and problem-solving can make all the difference. Taking the lead and offering solutions instead of dwelling on problems will help you navigate difficult situations with clients. Here’s how to approach it:

  • Be on the front foot and maintain regular communication with the client. Even if there are challenges or delays, keep them informed and offer proactive solutions.

  • Instead of presenting problems, focus on presenting solutions. Clients appreciate when you take responsibility for the project and offer ways to move forward.

  • If content creation becomes a roadblock, consider offering copywriting workshops or content writing services as part of your contract. Clearly explain the importance of timely content delivery and its impact on project success.

Clients are paying us to take responsibility for the project and to drive it forward. If a client’s away for three weeks, of course, we won’t hound them on that holiday! But we are going to ask for a catch-up date upon their return. If we get that in the calendar we can forget about it for a few days and move on to other projects.
— Elwyn Davies

5: Share Your Experiences and Learn from Others

While these strategies have proven effective in completing web design projects, it’s always valuable to learn from others in the industry. Share your experiences and tactics for ensuring smooth sailing with your projects. By fostering a community of knowledge-sharing, we can collectively overcome the challenges of the final 10% of web design projects.

People prefer solutions over problems. Even when we must confront the reality of a situation… our strategy is to collaborate and achieve a result that exceeds expectations.
— Elwyn Davies

Completing web design projects can be a challenging task, especially when faced with the final 10% and potential roadblocks. However, by implementing strategies such as covering your bases with clear terms and conditions, invoicing in milestones, front-loading client deliverables, and maintaining proactive communication, you can navigate these challenges with confidence. Remember, every project is an opportunity to learn and grow, so share your experiences and collaborate with others in the industry. With these tips in mind, you’ll be well-equipped to successfully complete your web design projects and build a thriving career in the field.

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