Pixelhaze Academy Blog
Choosing Between Professional Photography and Adobe Photoshop
There’s a growing notion that software could replace photographers. In this post, I will argue why this is just not true, at least any time soon.
Why Photoshop is Essential for Web Designers in 2024
If you are a web designer working with smartphone photos, you can no longer ignore Adobe Photoshops new AI tools.
What is the role of generative AI in Adobe Photoshop?
Generative AI plays a crucial role in revolutionizing creative processes within Adobe Photoshop.
The Journey to Udemy Instructor: From Web Design to Educating 30,000 Students
30,000 Udemy students and counting! This is our story so far…
Embrace the Future of Image Editing: Announcing Our New Module on Photoshop and AI
We are delighted to announce the launch of a new module within our Photoshop Box of Tricks Course: Photoshop & AI.
Adobe Photoshop Shortcuts You Should Know - Free Photoshop Course Part 1
In this chapter, we are going to be working with some of the productivity techniques that I use regularly in Photoshop. That will help you run through Adobe Photoshop in a more efficient manner. And we're going to start with some of the tools on the left-hand side of the interface.