Pixelhaze Academy Blog
Combining Canva with Squarespace - Part One
Welcome to part one of our free online course combining Canva with Squarespace. This section will cover the theory behind why we might combine Canva and Squarespace and some practical considerations and examples.
Free Squarespace course! - Combining Canva and Squarespace
Learn Squarespace, Canva and how to connect the two in the form of this free mini-course. Learn how to create beautiful graphics in Canva that fit seamlessly with your Squarespace design.
Combining Canva with Squarespace - Part Six
Welcome to the sixth and final part of the PixelHaze Combining Canva with Squarespace free mini-course. In this chapter, we're going to be looking at the impact of the image effects we've created in previous chapters on mobile layouts and then making the necessary adjustments to ensure our effects smoothly transition between desktop and mobile view.
Combining Canva with Squarespace - Part Five
Welcome to the fifth chapter in our Combining Canva with Squarespace free course. In this tutorial chapter, we're going to learn about the duotone effect for images in Canva.
Combining Canva with Squarespace - Part Four
Welcome to part four of our Combining Canva with Squarespace free course. In this tutorial, we are going to have a look at how we can combine background photo textures with foreground images for a unique effect.
Combining Canva with Squarespace - Part Three
Welcome to part three of our free course 'Combining Canva with Squarespace'. In this tutorial chapter, we will be creating detailed splatter frames for our Squarespace images using Canva.
New chapters available in the Canva Box of Tricks series
Elwyn Davies, PixelHaze director and founder, shares an exciting update about the Canva Box of Tricks online course series. Perfect for Canva beginners and established designers to improve their design and digital marketing skills. Find out about the new chapters here!