Boost Your Squarespace Workflow: 4 Tips for Integrating Plugins, Templates, and Keyboard Shortcuts

From his book, The Little Squarespace Handbook, Elwyn provides some of his favouirite shortcuts and productivity hacks for the website builder, Squarespace.

Squarespace is a popular website builder offering various features and tools for creating a beautiful and functional website. However, sometimes you need extra help to customize your site or streamline your workflow. This article will provide four tips for integrating plugins, templates, and keyboard shortcuts into your Squarespace workflow.

Tip #1: Use Keyboard Shortcuts

Squarespace offers a variety of keyboard shortcuts to help you speed up your workflow and save time. For example, you can use Ctrl/Cmd + A to select all the content on the page, and Ctrl/Cmd + C and Ctrl/Cmd + V to copy and paste content. Squarespace also offers many other keyboard shortcuts for navigating and editing your site.

To view a full list of Squarespace keyboard shortcuts, go to the Help menu and select Keyboard Shortcuts.


Tip #2: Use Squarespace Plugins

Squarespace plugins are third-party tools that you can use to extend the functionality of your website. Plugins can be used for a variety of purposes, such as adding social media sharing buttons, creating custom forms, and integrating with third-party services like Mailchimp or PayPal.

To find and install Squarespace plugins, go to the Settings menu in your Squarespace account, and click on the Advanced tab. From there, you can select Plugins and browse the available options.

Tip #3: Install Squarespace Templates

If you're out of design ideas or need a stronger guiding hand through the design process, consider using a Squarespace template. Squarespace templates are pre-designed website layouts that you can customize to your liking. Templates can be especially helpful if you're new to web design or don't have the time or resources to create a custom design from scratch.

Many third-party websites offer Squarespace templates for purchase. One such website is PixelHaze Store, which provides a wide range of Squarespace templates across various industry sectors.


Tip #4: Automate Tasks with Third-Party Services

In addition to Squarespace plugins, many third-party services can help you automate tasks and streamline your workflow. For example, Zapier is a service that can connect Squarespace with other applications, such as Google Sheets, Trello, or Slack. This can help you automate tasks such as sending form submissions to a Google Sheet or creating a Trello card for new orders.

To use Zapier or other third-party services, you will need to create an account and set up the appropriate integrations. However, once set up, these services can save you time and help you run your website more efficiently.

Squarespace offers a variety of tools and features to help you create a professional and functional website. You can streamline your workflow and build a website that meets your needs and goals by using keyboard shortcuts, Squarespace plugins, templates, and third-party services.


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