The Big Squarespace Decision: BYO Squarespace Website from a Template, or Hire a Designer?

In this ever-changing digital World, having an online presence is essential for nearly all start-ups and established organisations. Thankfully, creating a website is no longer a daunting task, thanks to website builders like Squarespace and a little help from a range of helpful independent design agencies like PixelHaze.

Let’s kick off by providing a little background about Squarespace. Squarespace is an all-in-one website builder allowing users to create professional-looking websites easily. However, deciding whether to build your own Squarespace website from a template or hire a designer can be perplexing. This article will break down the three clear pathways for building a Squarespace website, including DIY, workshop, and the works.

Route 1: DIY (From $129 + taxes)

DIY stands for "do it yourself." This route involves working from a Squarespace starter template, or choosing from a vast range of ready-made templates from professional website designers and agencies, like those available at This is the most affordable route; however, it also requires the most time and effort. You will be responsible for everything from selecting a template to customizing it to suit your needs.

One of the benefits of using Squarespace is that it offers a wide range of templates that cater to various industries and styles. Once you have selected a template, you can begin customizing it using Squarespace's drag-and-drop interface. You can add pages, upload images, change fonts and colours, and more. However, remember that the more customisation you do, the more time-consuming and challenging it can be.

DIY also requires you to be familiar with website design and development principles. While Squarespace is a user-friendly platform, it can still be tricky to navigate if you have no prior experience in website design. You will need to learn a little about essential design procedures and practices, including layout, typography, and design principles, to create a website that looks professional and easy to navigate.

Choosing a Squarespace Template is a viable option for those on a budget who have the time and willingness to learn the basics of website design and development principles. It can be a rewarding experience, but it also requires patience and perseverance.

Check out some of our latest Squarespace templates from the PixelHaze Store:


Route 2: Workshop (From £500 + taxes)

At PixelHaze, we offer flagship workshops where our designers take clients through the full process of getting their new website live. This includes planning via our website blueprint approach, setting up Squarespace, choosing a Squarespace template that best fits your requirements, and taking responsibility for each step.

One of the benefits of the Workshop route is that you have access to expert guidance and support throughout the process. Our designers will help you choose a template that suits your needs and brand, and they will take charge of the sometimes problematic go-live procedure, ensuring your new Squarespace website is up and running on time and within budget.

We can also quote for optional services like content transfer, copywriting, and SEO through our Workshop Packs. These services are to the point, flexible, and can be beneficial, mainly if you are new to website building and don't have the time or expertise to handle these tasks yourself.

The Workshop route is more expensive than DIY but offers a more hands-on and personalised approach to website building. You can rest assured that your website is in the hands of professionals who will ensure that it looks great, functions well, and meets your business or organisational needs.


Route 3: 'The Works' (From £3,000 + taxes)

'The Works' route is the premium option and involves hiring our Squarespace Agency to build a bespoke, high-performance website on Squarespace. At PixelHaze, we have been building custom Squarespace websites for over eight years. We have various custom-built tools to ensure your organisation has a fully bespoke powerhouse website.

'The Works' route offers a range of benefits, including a fully customized website that is designed to meet your specific business needs. Our team of designers and developers will work closely with you to understand your requirements, and we will use our expertise to create a website that stands out in a competitive environment.

'The Works' route includes all the services provided in the Workshop route but with additional features such as custom coding and advanced integrations. We can also provide ongoing support and maintenance to ensure that your website is always up to date-and functioning at its best.

While ‘'The Works'’ route is the most expensive option, it offers a premium agency experience that is ideal for businesses that need to compete in a highly competitive environment. If you have a budget to stretch and need a website tailored to your needs, then 'The Works' route is the way to go.


Comparing the Three Routes

Each of the three routes for building a Squarespace website has its own advantages and disadvantages. DIY is the most affordable option, but it requires the most time and effort. The Workshop route is more expensive but offers personalised guidance and support throughout the process. 'The Works' route is the most expensive option, but it offers a fully customized website that is designed to meet your specific business needs.

At PixelHaze, we endeavour to provide a demystifying solution regardless of your current situation. We offer workshops and bespoke services that cater to a wide range of budgets and requirements. Our team of designers and developers have years of experience in Squarespace website building and can help guide you through the process, whether you are a small business owner or a large corporation.

Deciding whether to build your Squarespace website from a template or hire a designer can be perplexing. However, by breaking down the three clear pathways and comparing the advantages and disadvantages of each, you can make an informed decision that suits your budget and business needs. Whether you choose the DIY, workshop, or works route, Squarespace and PixelHaze is a user-centric partnership that can help you create a professional-looking website that stands out in a crowded digital marketplace.


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