#CoffeeClip007: Improve your Squarespace blog posts

Ever found that you are struggling to get your news stories or blog posts to fill the page in Squarespace? We can help you avoid the blight of having empty news pages.

For today's Pixelhaze #coffeeclip, Elwyn shares some quick and helpful tips for how you can improve your Squarespace blog posts by adding some additional features like quote snippets and 'about the author' mini biogs.

If you are currently building your website on Squarespace and want to find a way of creating a professional design without losing half of your life in the process, I’d recommend taking a look at our PixelHaze Masterclass (free for PixelHaze Academy members). You can join our community here.

If this video has helped, please like and subscribe to our YouTube Channel 🙂


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