Quick Access - Anchor Links Plugin for Squarespace

Sometimes Squarespace’s vanilla navigation options just aren’t enough. On content-heavy sites, users will oftentimes find themselves having to scroll far more than they’d like, to reach content.

If users are scrolling through loads of content to find the exact information they’re after, they will usually scroll past the content they’re looking for. This can results in a lot of confusion and frustration, leading to them leaving the site.



Introducing the Anchor Links plugin! The plugin offers a simple way to flow through a page with the introduction of a submenu, which sticks to the bottom left-hand side of the screen.

Test it for yourself! The Plugin has been installed into this blog post. Make a splash!

Quick Access - Anchor Link Plugin for Squarespace



Using only code blocks and a little bit of CSS code in the Design CSS editor, you can link any section of your page to the Anchor Link menu, I have marked the Anchor points on the blog post so you can view each section.

The Anchor Menu allows for super quick access, no more need for scrolling.



All our plugins have been given a difficulty rating from 1 -3. This Plugin has a difficulty rating of 2.
This plugin works in both Squarespace 7 and 7.1. Fortunately, it doesn’t use JavaScript, but does require some configuration using Squarespace code blocks.

It’s just a simple case of copying and pasting the code into the right areas. Follow our plugin installation instructions for an easy step by step tutorial on how to install the plugin.



We’ve allowed for a degree of customisation within the Anchor Link plugin. Allowing it to fit all websites designs and brand. Depending on the Anchor Links needed, the height can be scaled to be more prominent on the page. You can refine the links by adjusting space and font types. For a finishing touch, you can insert your own hexadecimal values for custom colour pallets.


Where Can I GET IT?

The Quick Access Anchor Link plugin is now available to purchase on the Pixelhaze store, just buy, download and install our plugins in three easy steps. View from a galaxy of plugins to transform your Squarespace site.



Become a member of the Pixelhaze Academy to access all our plugins, for free! - Sign up now for just £35 a year, the annual membership includes full access to our Squarepsace software and training courses, 20% off your first annual Squarespace subscription and discounts on a plethora of 3rd party plugins. Join the Pixelhaze Academy now.



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