Pixelhaze Academy Blog
FREE Squarespace Plugins for Rollover Effects on Images
To enhance your website with unique features, we have developed a selection of FREE Squarespace plugins, These plugins are available at no cost, allowing everyone to easily integrate them into their Squarespace websites.
Squarespace Button Plugins
Our members may have noticed that we have been working hard on our library of Button Plugins for Squarespace sites. Here are some of our favourites and why they might be of great benefit to your site.
Enhance Your Squarespace Website with the PixelHaze Simple Summary Block Filter Plugin
Upgrade Your Squarespace Summary Blocks and Improve User Experience with this Powerful Squarespace Plugin.
Free Squarespace Plugins: 11 Free Squarespace CSS Custom Code to spruce up SQSP
We like CSS here at PixelHaze, it sits on the cusp of technical and visual work - uniting both sides of the brain (and both sides of our team).
We’ve developed numerous plugins utilising CSS, which you can check out here, but we’d also like to share some cool little snippets that can help personalise your site.
Monetizing Your Squarespace Blog: Selling Sponsored Content
If you have a Squarespace blog, it may be worth looking to partner with potential sponsors and tap into the potential value of your content.
Check out the latest Squarespace Plugins!
We’ve been hard at work in the PixelHaze studio, creating more Squarespace plugins for you to make creating websites a breeze.
Three ways to display images in Squarespace 7.1 - Coffee Clips S01E02
In today's Coffee Clip, Elwyn will go through all of the essential steps of setting up your images in Squarespace to create that much sought after 'magazine look'.
Squarespace Menu Plugins
At PixelHaze, we are always working on developing features to simplify the process of creating a polished Squarespace website design. Recently, we've expanded our range of Squarespace plugins to allow you to develop a fully customisable and bespoke website.
Three simple membership plans, including a student plan!
We have been working hard over the past 12 months to expand our series of Squarespace courses, Canva courses and online lectures to ensure our students can stay at the sharp edge of the design industry.
Squarespace Custom Graphics - Pushing the boundaries of Squarespace (Without code!)
How my knowledge of design and fear of code led me to find unique ways to problem solve and break the boundaries of Squarespace without using any CSS! (Code is scary)
A Guide to Squarespace Lists
This feature can be found by going on to any of your pages, adding in a new section, then finding the item called 'lists'. In the list section, there are a number of different formats, which can be handy in many different scenarios. This feature is only available in Squarespace 7.1. There are three main list formats, these being simple list, banner, format, and carousel. The main list format we've been using currently is the circular list format, also known as the simple list format.
Squarespace templates, so what are they?
Those who have been following our goings-on at PixelHaze Academy will have noticed that we have recently launched our growing range of Squarespace templates.
Quick Access - Anchor Links Plugin for Squarespace
Introducing the Anchor Links plugin! The plugin offers a simple way to flow through a page with the introduction of a submenu, which sticks to the bottom left-hand side of the screen. Test it for yourself! The Plugin has been installed into this blog post. Make a splash!
20% Discount now available on all Squarespace website plans, if you hurry!
If you are looking to build a website with Squarespace on a budget, there is no better time than now. There isn’t much time left though!
The top web design trends in 2021 and how you can create them in Squarespace
Observing the direction that the industry is going, in general, is a great way of reinventing yourself as a web designer. Here’s some of the main design trends for 2021.
An introduction to Squarespace Plugins and Extensions
To celebrate the launch of our exciting new Squarespace Plugin Store, we thought we would give you a short introduction to Squarespace plugins and Extensions. With Squarespace, you can achieve so much without the requirement for extra code or software, but sometimes you may need a little helping hand.
Check out this MarkUp Google Chrome extension
The MarkUp Chrome Extension is now available which should make things just a little easier when sharing notes during the design process of your Squarespace website.
Styling Separate Squarespace 7.1 Sections with CSS
I spend a lot of my time with code (cool, I know) and I’m always looking to add a distinct flourish to websites with CSS, so sometimes I need to drill the styles section by section so that what I’m adding doesn’t get applied to the whole page, or even the whole site (heaven forbid).
Check out these Black Friday deals on Squarespace plugins and templates
We are regular customers of SQSP Themes, SquareStudio and other Squarespace plugin developers and if you are currently looking for some 3rd party code to make your website sparkle, now is the time to buy.