We aim to post regular blog posts about Squarespace online training, design software and the latest technology for designers and small business owners. Would you like to guest post or have a topic request? Please contact us here.

Squarespace Code, Squarespace Plugins Elwyn Davies Squarespace Code, Squarespace Plugins Elwyn Davies

Free Squarespace Plugins: 11 Free Squarespace CSS Custom Code to spruce up SQSP

We like CSS here at PixelHaze, it sits on the cusp of technical and visual work - uniting both sides of the brain (and both sides of our team).

We’ve developed numerous plugins utilising CSS, which you can check out here, but we’d also like to share some cool little snippets that can help personalise your site.

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Squarespace Code William Hammond Squarespace Code William Hammond

How to use custom fonts in Squarespace

Squarespace has quite a large font selection built-in for your to choose from when designing your website. But if you're looking for a particular custom font as a part of your branding or you're trying to achieve a specific effect with your font selection then this article will go through four easy steps to explain how to use custom fonts on Squarespace.

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